So Much News About Papa!

Elder abuse considered! Suspected! Highly likely!

CANCELLED! When was the last time you called Papa?

In a busy kitchen Papa works preparing food for tomorrow. There are no ways to contact outside. Well, there used to be but that has all been stopped by "Grandma". That's what they call the person who runs this place. Recently Papa's cell phone service informed him his phone had become so old that it would no longer work with the cell phone towers. Any caring person would have immediately upgraded it for Papa as he has trouble navigating these waters. At least, that's what we initially thought.

What unfolded was a story about how "Grandma" left Papa with no phone service and in danger of losing his long held phone number. When speaking with Papa he stated, "I don't know what to do. I just want a flip phone, but they don't sell those anymore." Grandma interjected, "I have an iPhone I tried to give you!". Papa replied, "I don't want no iPhone. You go to do something on it and it never works!"

Sweat shop?

Are these children working for "Grandma"?

Fortunately, an agent with The News Stack was present and discussed the matter with Papa. He can't figure out the iPhone. That's all. Grandma apparently was forcing new technology on him so that he would have the appearance of contacting and communicating with others but never really be able to. This is a story heard often with elder abuse. Something likened to giving grandma a gaming computer with facechat capabilities knowing full and well he can't ever use it. Even to call for help!

Well, The News Stack has signed Papa up for cell service ourselves. His new flip phone that has terrible reviews due to lack of capabilities will be arriving soon. At only $8 a month for cell phone service it will be far from the reach of "Grandma" and her cancellation powers.

So, when will you be calling Papa? In 3-5 shipping days of course.